I can’t be an ARRL Director and I am sad about that. But also not.

Good that you remembered this from the last article.

In 2018, a lot of things changed in my life. I got married, I bought a house, I changed my last name, I changed my job, and I changed emails. In all of that commotion I had no less than 54 venues – banks, credit cards, airlines, hotels, passport, drivers license, etc etc etc – to update. Unfortunately for my chances to become an ARRL Director this year, one fell through the cracks, which was my ARRL profile.

My membership lapsed officially on March 31, 2019. I didn’t notice the missing QSTs, nor did I receive the renewal emails and mailings since they were being sent to my old home address (and the USPS failed to forward any of my mail to my new address, as I came to find out well after this was all said and done).

On the morning of June 14, 2019, I got a message from a coworker (and ham) to read an article that might interest me that was March’s QST, and so I tried to log in to ARRL to access Digital QST, but I couldn’t. And that’s when I realized…

Oh no.


That’s where all my QSTs have gone!

(Wait why aren’t they being forwarded by USPS…)

I immediately renewed my membership and read the article, and updated all of my ARRL member information and all was good.

Fast forward 7 months: the ARRL CEO is kicked out, the ARRL Midwestern Division Director is up for re-election this year, and I suddenly have an urge to run for the Director so I can pursue my goals of getting the ARRL modernized and relevant, and more interested in youth initiatives, engagement, and recruitment.

I frantically emailed past friends who were directors and other ARRL staff and leaders to get a pulse on whether or not it’s a good idea (sorry y’all!), and I start getting some advice from other N0SSC.com readers that it might be a great idea. Low-key growing some hype there.

I’m reading the ARRL Articles of Association and By-Laws (to make sure I’m not a big idiot on the internet) and then suddenly, out of nowhere, I remember this 75-day lapse in membership happened this year and now my hopes and dreams of infiltrating the ARRL’s upper echelon with my brilliant ideas of youth advocacy are dashed.

I sent a message to the ARRL’s Assistant Secretary Dan Henderson (N1ND) just to be sure I couldn’t get by on a technicality or exception, but he told me the Ethics and Elections committee would not be able to render a decision until I had submitted my petition for nomination; in other words, only after I campaigned, petitioned, and submitted my application in July would I know whether or not they would let me actually be a director. I’m also told by another director (who was initially inspiring me to run in the first place) that someone was recently disqualified for the same exact reason, only having lapsed a few months too. I certainly don’t want to be that guy. To do all of that work, blowing up the status quo, touring ham fests, calling and sending letters to hams, and growing support for my campaign all to fall flat on my face due to my membership lapse is definitely NOT the right foot to start on.

It’s sad because throughout college I told myself that once I graduated I’ll buy a Lifetime membership, only coming to realize the $1225 fee is a hard pill to swallow when you’re sinking $3000 into your student loans and all you get is a stinkin’ magazine full of irrelevant ads for the rest of your life (and the warm and fuzzy feeling that you jipped the ARRL out of at least $1,600 for it too!) (that’s not actually a warm and fuzzy feeling) (also sometimes I really like QST articles).

Thankfully, there is more than one way to skin the cat. I continue to help lead the Young Amateurs Radio Club as well as Youth on the Air (which needs your donations by the way!!!) and through those programs I think I can bring considerably more influence on amateur radio as a whole (and still have a positive influence on the ARRL directors and other leaders) than being a director myself. Plus I don’t have to worry about jumping headfirst into a boiling cauldron of who-the-heck-knows. It’ll be nice to let the CEO drama blow over and things to settle down before I start poking that bear, and also investigate other ways to bring some of my ideas to the table.

But just so you know – the battle may be won, but the war is far from over. Look out for me in 2023.

Meanwhile if you’re in the ARRL’s Midwest division (IA, MO, KS, NE) and you share my vision for ARRL, AND you’ve definitely been an ARRL member for at least 4 continuous years prior to 2020, I hope your name will be on my ballot. Also worth mentioning again that the Atlantic, Dakota, Delta, and Great Lakes divisions are up for reelection this year as well.

Also I’ll be submitting my resume for CEO ok thanks bye


or am i?

How to run for the ARRL Board of Directors (Because I think they need it)

The ARRL loses another CEO, whats going on? Only one way to find out…

Today’s news of ARRL’s CEO Howard Michel (WB2ITX) being “voted out” by the Board of Directors is another strike in the saga of the League’s struggle in finding new leadership after Dave Sumner’s (K1ZZ) retirement.

I thought Howard was doing alright. He showed up to a lot of hamfests, spoke at many club meetings and conventions, and generally shared a message of optimism regarding the future of the ARRL. I suppose that message was not well-received by the Board. Nobody seems to have any idea why the board voted him out. If I had to speculate, it might be some sort of conflict of interest (the ARRL has a VERY long section of COI in their By Laws), while the MyARRLVoice people are saying that “the ARRL BoD did not judge his job performance to be satisfactory and decided a change in leadership is necessary.”


UPDATE 2 (26 Jan 2020): Southwestern Director Dick Norton N6AA addressed the following claim and discussed the decision in somewhat more detail in K7AGE’s video from Quartzfest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7o2nBPQZ0g

Additionally I spoke with the Central and Midwest Division Directors (W9XA and K0DAS) at the St. Louis Winterfest, but they did not disclose any new facts, reiterating that the CEOs contract wasn’t renewed and to wait until the minutes are released for more information.

UPDATE 1 (20 Jan 2020): I did some digging and I was led to Howard’s Facebook page, where he posted about his company’s robot last year. To me this implies that was still actively working for or had obligations with his Chinese robotics company, which the ARRL By Laws #35 seems to frown upon. It might also be a conflict of interest, though as written COI by laws seem to only apply to directors, vice directors, president, and vice president. Obviously, I am not a lawyer. Do note that this isn’t a smoking gun, and from what I’m told there are myriad other factors that lead to his removal.

Screenshot of facebook.com/howard.michel.3 (public profile), 21 Jan 2020 09:39CST. I haven’t friended him, so this is public!
From http://www.arrl.org/arrl-by-laws: ARRL By Law #35 implies the CEO shouldn’t have another job. Doing so also probably violates conflict of interest by laws but again I am not a lawyer and there’s likely other reasons leading to his removal.

His departure comes at a particularly awkward time for the St. Louis Winterfest where he was slated to speak at ARRL Forum and a banquet next weekend (January 24-26, 2020). We’ll see how that shakes out!

We’ve seen a lot of drama in the ARRL over the last 5 years. Tom Gallagher (NY2RF) became CEO, Dick Norton (N6AA) was publicly censured, Ria Jairam (N2RJ) was elected as Hudson Division director, N6AA was un-censured, Tom retired as CEO, and Howard Michel came on as CEO leaving 2 years later to the day. Meanwhile many threads of dwindling membership, lack of transparency, signs of internal political infighting and inaction have been popping up all over the place. The Parity act, the CalFire Repeater debacle, a number of natural disasters have also came and went, all putting a lot of pressure on the ARRL to get things done.

I think a big, BIG change is needed at the Board of Directors level. I think Ria N2RJ is the first of many new faces to save the Board from it’s incumbency.

Meanwhile I have been thinking…what would it take to get on the ARRL Board of Directors?

What does it take to run for ARRL Board of Directors? It’s actually quite simple: Be 21 years of age, be a licensed ham and ARRL member for at least four years prior to nomination, and don’t have any conflicts of interest. All you need after that is to get nominated and elected by ARRL members of your division. Easy, right?

I think I might give it a shot before I turn 30.

What would you do if you were on the ARRL’s Board of Directors? Split QST from members-only? Make youth membership free? Livestream Board meetings? Push updates to the website and store?

ARRL Board’s Weird Censure of N6AA. Why? (RE: Code of Conduct, as seen on HamRadioNow)

I was a guest on the HamRadioNow “hamcast” EP 371 about the ARRL Code of Conduct issue you may or may not have been aware of. Gary, Rich, Dan, David and I spoke on the facts, the background, the parallels and history of interclub drama, and speculated on the reasoning behind and future of the ARRL about this interesting predicament.

Note: this is politically charged issue, and if you believe ham radio has no place for politics, you can skip this one…or scroll directly to the comments without reading to give us a piece of your mind about how you’re going to quit the ARRL, that’s okay too because it gives clout to my conjecture.

Basically, Dick Norton (N6AA, ARRL Southwestern Division Director) brought up the ARRL Board Code of Conduct (aka. The ARRL Policy on Board Governance and Conduct of Members of the Board of Directors and Vice Directors) in a membership forum at this year’s Visalia DX Convention. This made the members unhappy, with some expressing displeasure, some storming out in anger, but without any pro or con discussion from Dick himself. In other words, he brought the already-public Code of Conduct to light as a matter-of-public-fact, without judgement from himself, following the directives per the code of conduct.

Yet the ARRL censured him for this action. He did nothing wrong per the Code of Conduct as read, but the board seems to really not like it when you try to talk about their inside activities on the outside, resulting in the censure. Nobody seems to grok, as the league’s activities are becoming increasingly obscure in a world were transparency is in dire scarcity.

So that’s weird. And probably not the best thing for a membership-centered group. I don’t agree with it, you probably don’t either, and if you don’t there’s one thing we need to get straight is that…


There are too many single-issue quitters when it comes to club drama, from the small-town club all the way to the ARRL, in that the only way they think to express disagreement is to just stop being a member. This not only hurts the club, it hurts your only FCC representative, it hurts the biggest ham radio magazine, it hurts the scholarship foundation, the publication business, the emergency communications support, the teachers and educators , and all the countless other services the ARRL provides.

Better yet this is a reason to get one if you don’t like it, because it is a member-driven club. Without members, there’s nobody to vote, and soon you’ll be represented by a clique of power-hungry old geezers that have nobody’s best interest in mind. Worse yet, the ARRL could splinter, which would be a massive blow to the governmental representation and public image of the hobby.

Don’t let that happen. If you want change, become a member, stay a member, and vote for directors that you believe in. Better yet, run for board. Or campaign for a candidate you like. Go public with your discontent. But always, stay a member.

I guarantee one of you will comment “Welp, another reason you shouldn’t join the ARRL. Revoking my membership immediately!” anyway. Ugh.


Now, why is this code of conduct thing a thing? It’s a thing because it’s showing us that the ARRL has something to hide, which is dissonant from our perception of what a not-for-profit corporation should be.

There are good reasons to prohibit Boards and Committees from talking publicly about inside work, but that’s relegated to the private-sector, corporate world, where proprietary information is a protected trade secret. But what trade secrets does the ARRL have? They are a non-profit amateur radio club.

I feel as if they’re hiding infighting and debate from the public eye to save face and seem like a cohesive, synergistic board of directors (even though we’re seeing they’re having a case of the weeble-wobbles) but also perhaps it’s in their best interest (i.e. the members best interest) to keeping the latest and greatest operating events (like NASA on the Air), QST rebrandings, newest publications, which specific part of amateur radio they’re focusing on for that year, etc. from reaching the public before release…which I think is silly (because who are they competing with, CQ magazine?!?), but is that valid? Or maybe they want to keep secret the political underpinnings of the Membership/ARRL/FCC relationship? I feel like something’s missing here, but since we’ve got nobody from the ARRL providing any insight, and the organization as a whole touting censuring the very mention of the Code, and promoting secrecy throughout it, we’re left to speculation like this, and that’s just plain gross.

You can read more about this at Dan KB6NU’s blog, and in  ARRL: Circling the Wagons?, an editorial by Rich Moseson, W2VU in the next edition of CQ magazine (which is shown in the HRN show).

Where are they expecting this sketchballs censure of N6AA to go? Did they think it would cause such a fuss? Are they trying to oust N6AA from the board? Why is there a gag order in the first place?!

In the show we talked about one possible reason, being that the ARRL Board doesn’t approve of N6AA providing insight into the board’s activities, so when he runs again in the future, the censure will go against his record, causing him to be ineligible due to arbitrary “ethics concerns,” which has happened in the past, as discussed on the show. We believe this might be a sign of an unhealthy, cliquey board at the ARRL, and that should most definitely change.

How do we change it?


No. Don’t be that guy, because that guy is a part of the problem. Membership is down, so naturally non-elections and silly politics will continue to form with explosive force due to the passionate but decisive, and sometimes powerful and influential nature of the membership core – the few passionate souls left behind after the rest of the membership quit the ARRL. It’s like a pH neutral chemical solution, slowly evaporating to reveal a corrosive concentration of acidic goo, only dissolved by more solvent – more members. I think it’s number one critical need is more members, but unfortunately the ARRL seems to be forgetting…or ignoring that.

Hopefully these events, and the actions we’re taking to bring it to light are starting to make a change for the better.

But what can you do? You, a non-ARRL member, can get a membership. And as an ARRL member, you can now vote.

These five directors all voted for the censure, and also happen be up for re-election in 2018:

  • Kermit Carlson W9XA (Central Division, member of the now-infamous Ethics & Elections Committee and maker of the censure motion)
  • Mike Lisenco N2YBB (Hudson Division, member of the Executive Committee and the one who seconded the censure motion)
  • Tom Frenaye K1KI (New England Division and member of  the Ethics and Elections Committee)
  • Jim Pace K7CEX (Northwestern Division and member of the Ethics & Elections Committee)
  • Jim Boehner N2ZZ (Roanoke Division).

 All of the foregoing voted in favor of adopting the Code and all of them voted to censure Dick.  Ultimately, the decision as to whether to retain or replace these five will be up to you, in your respective division.

We’ll be back before the ballots are sent out to revisit this topic, and hopefully this exposure will be the catalyst for a new brew of directors.

You can watch/hear the show at these links:

If you have iOS, I recommend downloading Overcast and using that to listen to Gary’s shows at 2x speed…it might take a while to get used to the speed, but it makes 2 hours go by a whole lot faster. Other apps have speed increasing features but Overcast is by far the best sounding.

If that was an ad, I’d tell you. I just really like Overcast.

So yea. Go vote for better directors. Stay a member to support the ARRL’s contributions to the hobby. Don’t be a quitter.

And if you’re a director, president, CEO, or other ARRL higher up, please talk to us, the membership, openly and publicly. Maybe lets see something in next QST’s Letter to the Members to give us a clue about WTF is going on in Newington.

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