I haven’t been around for a while, because life is busy: I bought a house, got married, and have been working overtime, so there it little room for ham radio.
But I had to come back to announce this.
On December 1, 2018, the YARC Winter QSO Party will begin. This is a QSO party open to all to introduce and encourage young people to get on the air.
There is a special surprise with this contest: PRIZES!
Courtesy of the people who bring you Hamstudy, winners of the following categories:
First Place, Single-Operator QRP
First Place, Single-Operator Low
First Place, Single-Operator High
Second Place, New Contester
Will have a choice of one of the following prizes:
NooElec SDR Bundle
Baofeng UV-5R
1 SignalStick whip antenna and 1 HamStudy.org t-shirt
Winners of the following categories:
First Place, Multi-Single Low
First Place, Multi-Single High
First Place, Multi-Multi Low
First Place, Multi-Multi High
First Place, School Club
Second Place, School Club
First Place, New Contester
Will have a choice of one of the following prizes:
2019 ARRL Handbook (Softcover Edition) and 2 SignalStick whip antennas
Arrow II 146-3 Handheld Portable Yagi Antenna
QRPLabs QCX QRP Tranceiver Kit and 2 SignalStick whip antennas
The team at YARC has been hard at working getting this put together, and finally it’s live! We can’t wait to work you on the air from WY4RC!
Update 2018 Nov 27: Because of all the flak we’ve received about how this contest could put operators in a sticky situation regarding pecuniary interest, the prizes were changed from $25-$75 Visa gift cards to amateur radio gear.
I’ve been quiet lately. I went on an European 3-week vacation (Prague, Krakow, Berlin, Amsterdam, and Paris), which meant I got behind on work stuff, so I’ve been busy catching up.
The Phasing Line podcast is still moving along, now with a Patreon! Apparently, we did something that people enjoy, and I think we’ll keep doing that. We pre-recorded a lot of episodes over the break, but never got around to editing them, so beware some episodes may seem out of date. I hope you don’t find that to be a problem!
I’ll be speaking at the St Louis Suburban Radio Club (SLSRC) Winterfest hamfest on January 28 about YOTA and Youth Ham Radio. This is the first time I’m actually hosting a forum, so that’s pretty cool. I’ll be up against Bob Heil to put it in perspective! I’ll try to record my presentation and post it on my YouTube.
I’ll also be at the Orlando Hamcation February 10 through 12, with Aaron Boots AA0RN, who’s a rising W0EEE star. They’ll be having a collegiate forum at 3pm in Classroom 1. I don’t have anything to present, but I want to be there to represent the ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio Initiative (CARI) and check out the 2nd biggest hamfest in the US. I’ll also try to record it. See http://www.hamcation.com/forums/ for more forum info.
That’s about as far as I’ve planned this year. I definitely cannot attend Hamvention (here’s why) but I’m looking at attending some other bigger hamfests (like Friedrichshafen, Pacificon, HamCom, NEAR-fest, anything else listed on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamfest) since Jesten earned me 110,000 Southwest Air and 125,000 American Air points (leftover after our Europe trip). With that said, if you want me to come talk about youth at your hamfest, let me know sooner than later, before I have to spend 110% of my time helping my fiancee plan our wedding (Oct 2018 baby!).
I’m 25, so you might not understand why I’m posting about this, but it’s surprisingly relevant. I’ve been an “official adult” for 2 years now, and I’ve noticed a few changes.
I have little to no activity daily. I walk between 1000 and 5000 steps a day, measured by my iPhone/Pebble smartwatch
My posture sucks
I’m about thirty pounds overweight, and eating 1,500 cal/day for the last 6 months has made for some slow progress:
My neck and back hurts
It’s obvious why these 4 things are happening. It’s because I’m sitting for 8 to 10 hours a day at a desk. So I stood up. Literally. I found some boxes to prop my monitors and keyboard up at properly ergonomic heights, and (aside from my feet hurting) things started just feeling better.
Then I got a newer, better chair and ditched the standing desk boxes. I’m quickly realizing standing is clearly helpful, because the same problems came up, even though my new chair was more ergonomic.
When I watched W6LG’s video, I immediately realized that I have never seen a ham radio station on a standing desk. Jim’s right – we hams spend a shitload of time sitting behind our radios, DXing and contesting, not giving a single thought to the clots slowly building up in our butts, the plaque building up around our hearts, and the atrophy of muscles that once made it so easy to climb a flight of stairs.
The easiest way to fight disease exacerbated by lack of activity is to stand up, stretch, and walk. Of course, if you’re able to stand, this works, but if you require a wheelchair or mobility scooter, follow your individual doctor’s advice on staying healthy.
Standing desks aren’t cheap, but milk crates and boxes did fine for me. Ikea also has several DIY-methods of making standing desks a thing for your station or workbench. And even if you don’t have a standing desk, set a timer to remind yourself to stretch. You can also use apps like Stand Up! for iOS or Randomly RemindMe for Android.
Our first episode of The Phasing Line Podcast was a hit. People really seem to love the new style – at least maybe our target demographic does (younger people, sub age 40, who are already a little experienced in ham radio). I’m excited for episode 2 – if we can find the time to record. I want to shoot for a biweekly release date but Marty and I have tumultuous schedules, so that is TBD. I do want to say we are planning an interview with a rising ham, so that will be exciting!
The big takeaway from the first episode was to avoid interruptions, so that will be fixed. Marty and I both think faster than we can speak too, and the fast-paced topic jumping with tons of tangents can be decisive – some like it, some don’t. We’ll be fine tuning the podcast as it goes on.
But it was such a success that it sparked interest in an old podcast I co-hosted, the Youth in Amateur Radio Podcast (YARP). 18-year old Jacob Keogh KDØNVX has taken the lead and re-branded it to The Noisy Key (jealous of that name) which will probably be a round-table similar to ICQ podcast, perhaps a bit more focused on a single or few topics, unlike the unfiltered consciousness which is The Phasing Line. All of which is to be determined as they work bringing the first episode.
Sweepstakes at WØEEE
WØEEE had another clean sweep during the ARRL SSB Sweepstakes. I came down to help educate and train new guys on HF contesting, spending a lot of time on a whiteboard.
Here’s an album. Click on the photos to make them bigger:
W0EEE Squad
Working on raising a 40m dipole on the tower
Owen enjoying the view from the EE roof
The 80m windom 20ft off the ground made for a brilliant NVIS antenna. W0EEE’s tower in the background.
There was only one operating station, but eight people…so they put their own station on the air!
N0SSC and AA0RN posing mid-contest
Tons of people hanging out and chatting ham radio
AA0RN intently running a pileup
Kyle and AA0RN co-op
Gaving logging with N0SSC operating.
Robert playing with a HackRF glued to a laptop.
Crash course on dipole impedance, SWR, and patterns
The infamous voice of W0EEE in the FF-800 now hanging on the wall, replaced by a Raspberry Pi
The W0EEE station during Sweepstakes
All that mattered (aside from getting the sweep) was that everyone had a ton of fun. It was really great how many people showed up, showed interest, logged, and got on the air. We made 227 QSOs in all 83 sections, so we didn’t really shoot for high numbers, and our antenna system got us down, but it was still a lot of fun. I also got to work Marty twice, lol!
We had to break out the amp for the last two sections of the sweep – PAC (pacific, aka Hawaii) and AK (Alaska). They were working huge pileups since they came on very late in the contest. But, we didn’t have an interface with the FT-897…so I had to do it manually, without ALC. Luckily the SB-220 has a soft-key relay that lets you use a simple switch to key the amp instead of 120V – that would have fried everything!
Thanks for reading! I will follow up this with a post detailing some ideas for college clubs to increase activity, and some ideas for contest coordinators to make contests better for school clubs and younger people as well.