Ham Radio Dominating Groups.io…Good!

Groups.io is the internet’s replacement to Yahoo Groups, and it’s been a long time coming. Ham radio is notorious for having a Yahoo Group for just about every contest, radio, antenna, CW paddle, and footswitch, but as a user and admin it’s a pain to manage and it’s reputation tarnished due to Yahoo’s major cybersecurity problems (e.g. they leaked users’ data like a sieve and the groups always got a metric butt-ton of spam).

I was looking through some of the public groups on Groups.io, and I noticed there is a ludicrous number of ham radio groups on there already! Out of almost 100,000 groups, 10 out of the top 40 are ham radio groups! I joined a whole bunch, and now my email is exploding…oops.

Softrock40 is in 4th place with 8,496 members on Groups.io, behind IBM, an Equine health research interest group(?), and a New England Jewish community (not including the groups.io update list, which is a default subscription). Not bad!

Not bad. Props to Callum (DXCommander on Youtube) for egging everyone to migrate. Hopefully this blogette will persuade your group to get there too! (looking at you, anyone running a GNU Python Powered Mailman Bulletin Board Mailing list coughAMSAT-BBcoughcoughAPRS-SIGcough)

Author: N0SSC

Twenty-something year old amateur radio operator. I love everything about ham radio. Trying to learn CW and contest more, and doing my best to promote youth involvement and retention in this rapidly aging hobby.

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