So Long Cale, and Thanks for All The Fish

I am a little sad, a little happy to hear about the conclusion of the Ham Radio 360 podcast hosted by Cale Nelson, K4CDN.

The End of the Beginning…

On behalf of thousands of listeners, thank you Cale. Your podcast was a huge inspiration to all of us hams to keep inspired to learn more about amateur radio. There’s never been a podcast quite like it, and I think many will follow suit. It inspired me to start my own podcast (though I wish I could put the effort into it that Cale put into HR360!) and it was great to be a guest and a part of the community.

All 99 HamRadio360 episodes will continue to be hosted at I encourage you to take a listen through them all; it’s really quite the journey! The spinoffs, Workbench and Field Radio are continuing.

73 Cale and Best of Luck to your other 6ARN productions. Looks like you’ve got a lot on your plate!👋👍

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